Everlasting Bouquet
Beautiful, fragrant and all neutral flowers bouquet filled with dried grasses in beautiful rust tones and wildflowers all around. One of a kind, the symbol of beauty will look simply beautiful for your decorations. a great gift to loved ones.
This is a hand-tied bouquet and does not come with a vase.
Beautiful, fragrant and all neutral flowers bouquet filled with dried grasses in beautiful rust tones and wildflowers all around. One of a kind, the symbol of beauty will look simply beautiful for your decorations. a great gift to loved ones.
This is a hand-tied bouquet and does not come with a vase.
Beautiful, fragrant and all neutral flowers bouquet filled with dried grasses in beautiful rust tones and wildflowers all around. One of a kind, the symbol of beauty will look simply beautiful for your decorations. a great gift to loved ones.
This is a hand-tied bouquet and does not come with a vase.